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Develop Your Career

Career Advice

We can assist you to find that first job, moving on, or preparing for the ‘ultimate role’. We can help you select the right roles for you, make an impactful application, enhance your interview technique and enable you to settle into the new role and start as you mean to go on.

Job search package:

Getting to know the best you, selecting the right fit for you, how you come across in writing and in person, techniques, tips and reflection, practice makes perfect, reviewing and action planning, preparing to succeed.

Unlike many generalist job search packages, we can provide over 35 years of working in all sectors of conservation, sustainability and sustainable rural development, in national and local government, education, the voluntary sector, private enterprise and social enterprise roles.

Career advancement package:

Getting to know you and your preferred style, addressing your weaknesses, accentuating your strengths, resilience, risk taking, and organisation your leadership and your management, strategic systems thinking, finding the right role.

First 100 days in a new role coaching support:

Using an independent coach to plan and reflect gives a vital space to explore independently what needs to be done and assess dispationately options, opportunities and create an action plan for success.

Man and women chatting in a cafe

Case Study

An former colleague approached me asking if I could ‘tell’ why her applications were not resulting in many interviews and any job offers. I couldn’t readily tell her, as I had always found her an exemplary officer and I would employer her if I had a suitable vacancy.

By Listening to her, reading her application materials and conducting a mock interview, we were able to unpick a range of issues. At the end, she was no longer underselling herself, appreciated her transferable skills much better, using examples of her best work and leadership style without qualifiers. Best of all she began to let go of some issues of previous poor management and bullying she had experienced and turned them around into celebrating her resilience and dedication to getting the job done under trying circumstances.

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